
MCRA Membership Directory


JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 PHP Wordpress jQuery MySQL

Custom built wordpress membership directory plug-in replacement for the default user system. Member accounts, profile management, public member directory, multiple user level restrictions, customized profile w/ajax image image--lazyload upload, uses wpdb & wp_list_table for default wordpress feel, searchable/filterable member listings, and payment/fees tracking.


  • Each member will have own secure login
  • Admin will be able to change info in any field for any member
  • Members will be able to change only some of their own fields
  • Ability to Search/Filter Database by:
    • Active Members (unpaid dues)
    • Active Members (paid dues)
    • Inactive Members
    • Nonmembers
  • Report Page – lists all active members with paid dues
  • Admin can export records or reports to Excel
  • Members will have the ability to:
    • Change their own profile data for some fields
    • View their paid dues history
    • View upcoming renewal date
    • View charges due (if any)
  • Website Viewers (including attorneys) will have the ability to:
    • Search directory for a reporter by Name, Company, County, Zone
    • View search results
    • Print search results

