
Open Source

Headline Creation Tool

Feb, 2019

Headline Creation Tool Headline Creation Tool old preview

A full stack application built using the MEVN stack (MongoDB, Express, Vue.js, and Node.js). The main goal was to have a GUI tool for creating/editing headline images based on multiple layers of images and text with HTML5 Canvas. The back-end API was meant to automate server side rendering of the saved headlines with variable text. Most of the front-end is complete and I was working on the API/DB connections when it was cancelled.

  • Vuetify
  • Vuex
  • Axios
  • GitHub


Feb, 2019


A Docker development environment based on Vue, Express, Node, and MongoDB. This was meant to be my original starting point for the Headline Creation Tool app and required a few bug fixes to address issues with the MongoDB/Mongoose connections. After switching to a plain MEVN stack, I gave the original author my fixes as a PR so it would still be useful to someone in the future. The author also has an interesting tutorial/article on about the project.

  • Docker
  • MongoDB
  • Node.js
  • Vue.js
  • GitHub

Google Scholar Citation Scraper

Sep, 2018

Bright Idea

A CLI app to scrape citation data from Google Scholar for the Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative. Uses Node.js, oAuth2, and Google Sheets.

  • Node.js
  • oAuth2
  • Google Sheets
  • Data Scraping

Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative

Jul, 2018

BERI Banner

Jekyll/GitHub Pages development & management for the Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative.

  • Jekyll
  • Sass
  • CSS
  • Responsive Design
  • Static Site Generator